In English


Welcome to the public library in Gladsaxe

We want to invite you to a place for expression, immersion and insight.

Do you need computer-assistance or help retrieving the correct information for your school assignment? Do you want to learn new things, or do you need a place to immerse yourself? Do you feel the urge to discuss music, or do you want to read a good book? Are you looking for cultural experiences for yourself or your family?

At the library, we have room for it all and a helping hand, if or when you need it.

We are your doorway to a world of knowledge and experiences. 

Jakob Lærkes

Library Director


How to register

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In order to check out, reserve or renew books and other items, you must be a registered user. Your CPR number (civil registration number) and your PIN will give you access to your borrower status and digital content. Please notice that some of the digital content is only available if you reside in the municipality of Gladsaxe.

If you are 18 years old or more

Registration at the library. You can register at one of the Gladsaxe Libraries by showing up in person. You need to bring your Health Card (Sundhedskortet). Directly following registration, you will be able to check out, reserve or use our digital resources and self-service libraries.

Online Registration

You can register through our website by using MitID.

Click on Opret bruger in the top right menu and follow the instructions. Once you have registered as a patron you will be able to use your CPR number and your personal PIN to log on to the website, check out items from the self-service stations and have access to our digital content. The PIN will be created during registration.

If you are under the age of 18

A parent or a legal guardian can register their child who are under 18 years of age through our website by using MitID.

Click on Opret bruger and complete the form for children under 18. After three working days at the latest you will receive a confirmation from Gladsaxe Libraries in your mailbox. Once you have received the e-mail, your child will have full access to our services using their Health Card or a childrens library card, which you can pick up at your local library. Logging on to our website and use of our digital services is also possible using the child’s CPR number and PIN.

Changes to your personal information or loss of library card You have to inform the library if you change your address, e-mail or phone number. If you lose your library card it should be reported to the library as soon as possible to avoid misuse. 


How to check out books

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The loan periods are usually 1 month, and it is free of charge. Some materials however have shorter loan periods. These periods will appear on your receipt.The individual library can determine limitations on the individual users’ loans cf. order of library activities § 13.

How to return materials.

When returning your materials, you can choose to get a receipt. This receipt is your documentation, that the materials have been returned. You can get an overview of your current loans and reservations at under “lånerstatus”. If you wish, you can choose to receive a reminder of when your loans expire by text or e-mail.


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 Overdue fees

 To be paid by
 adults from 18

To be paid by children under the age of 18 

 1 -7 days 20 kr.0 kr.
 8 - 31 days 60 kr.0 kr.
 Over 31 days 230 kr. +
Only replacement

Loans that are not returned will be transferred to Gladsaxe local authorities

Suspension of permission to borrow and penalty of exclusion

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The library is a public domain. You are expected to behave appropriately both in the use
of the library, PC’s and Internet alike. You have to follow the staff’s directions. If you behave
in an unacceptable manner or infringe regulations, you may be excluded from the
library for a specified period.
If borrowed items are not returned after repeated notices, if
you return them in a bad condition, or if you owe more than 200 DKK kroner in fines to
the library, your permission to borrow might be suspended.

Law of Personal Data

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The library is subject to abide the requirements of the Law of Personal Data (Persondataloven).

How to print at Gladsaxe Libraries

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It is possible to print at all the libraries in Gladsaxe. We use the web-based system Princh.

Through Princh you can easily print and pay for your print jobs. You can print from one of our computers, your own laptop or your mobile device.

Payment is electronic, with no cash payments involved. You will not be charged for prints before they are released from the printer.

Prices for Print and Copy

  • A4 black/white: 1 DKK
  • A3 black/white: 3 DKK
  • A4 colour: 3 DKK
  • A3 colour: 6 DKK

You can pay by credit card or MobilePay. A fee of DKK 1 is charged per print job. When paying with MobilePay. an additional transaction fee of DKK 1 will be charged.